Mock Exam Case Study Bermuda November 2021

Bermuda IGCSE Maths Online Testing Case Study Nov 2021

Methodmaths is proud to have been supporting Mathematics Education in Bermuda for over 3 years. Not only has our website been used as an ongoing practice tool in all Public Schools, we have also written bespoke assessment materials for students preparing for end of Primary exams. Our latest project involved working with High School students.

Aims of the project for the Methodmaths Team

  • To run a full scale mock exam under formal test conditions using our testing interface.

  • To identify any technical barriers that may arise to help further improve our solution.

Aims for the Government of Bermuda / Schools

  • To run a baseline assessment of M2 (Y11) students before Christmas across the two high schools to establish current attainment levels following a significant period of closures due to the pandemic.

  • To provide full strand and question level analysis at individual, class and cohort level.

  • To provide ranking to support student groupings.

  • To provide recommendations on content to focus on leading to Summer 2022 exams.

  • To provide online resources and practice materials for students to review their performance and work on their gaps.

To find out more about the trial, please follow this link here