Case Studies
This folder of resources will take you through the process of putting QLA data from KS2 SATS to work in Secondary Schools.
2016 Year 7 Transition Tool
Y6 Question Level
Analysis Reports
Use these question level spreadsheets to produce personalised reports for each of your students.
Year 6 and Year 7
intervention booklets
We have taken all of the original SATS questions from 2000 - 2007 and reorganised them into topic sets that match the new 2016 KS2 Test Framework. These will prove useful to primary schools who are preparing students for SATS and secondary schools who are looking to support students who have not yet met the expected standard. Subscribers to our website can also access additional topic sets from 2008 -2015 including level 6 content and these are perfect for additional targeted homework. They are self-marking and teachers can monitor progress very easily.
Some of the booklets within this folder are limited in content. This variation is due to the emphasis placed on topics in the old SATS papers (2000 - 2007). Due to changes in the national curriculum and consequently new assessment objective in the test framework, you will also find that some booklets are missing. We are however in the process of developing new content to cover these gaps.
Interactive Arithmetic Tests
We have created a google sheet version of all the written arithmetic tests used by year 6 over the last couple of years. You can generate an infinite supply of different worksheets based on the underlying structure and intentions of the original questions. Each test can be printed onto 2 A4 sheets. You can also issue the file electronically so that students can work on the questions with instant feedback. You can personalise the tests by filtering questions by difficulty or year group and there is also an answers tab for teachers.