November 2021

Methodmaths Booster Days

We are delighted to announce a number of new services that Methodmaths can now offer to our member schools. The first of these are GCSE revision days.

Throughout the previous academic year, we ran over 100 face to face booster days in schools across the country. We built a team of brilliant Maths teachers all of whom have been ASTs, SLEs or HODs with outstanding track records and coupled them with a programme of support that utilised both our GCSE topic booklets and website. The combination was very powerful. Not only were we able to provide bespoke face to face support based on the needs of each school, but we were also able to use Methodmaths at the end of each day to consolidate and check understanding of the topics covered. The feedback from pupils, teachers and headteachers was excellent and there was always a tangible outcome. Schools signed up to either 3 or 5 days spread across the year, and we made it our mission to help pupils master up to an additional 20 topics.

If you are interested in adding additional capacity to your Maths department and want to tap into our expert team of teachers to support with intervention, please get in contact via There is a significant amount of government funding available to schools which can be used to subsidise up to 75% of our booster days and you can find more information about this on our School Led Tuition page here.

Topic Menu

Now that we have hundreds of real exam questions in our database, we felt it was time to start producing a topic dashboard so that it was easier for pupils to consolidate a particular skill rather than tackling a whole test. Whilst this was always possible using the topic filters, it will be easier to manage in terms of unlocking questions for homework purposes. Once we have collated the questions, we intend to put them into difficulty order using results plus performance data and our teaching judgement. There will be around 150 topics to choose from across both tiers. You can already see that some topics are more frequent than others and this should help teachers and pupils gauge which areas to prioritise nearer exam time.

There is only ever one version of any question in Methodmaths. This means if a question is completed in test paper mode, it will also appear completed in the topic menu. Equally, if students complete a topic, they can see how those marks are contributing to their overall grades when they return to the test paper dashboard.

We are hopeful that this will be ready for launch in early 2022.


March 2022


September 2021