The Original Past Paper Practice Service designed to improve Performance

Proudly Supporting Schools, Tutors and Parents for over 15 years

Our Unique Service to Parents

  • The most comprehensive set of interactive practice papers for 11+, SATS and GCSE Maths

  • Zero printing and fully self marking

  • All questions come with hints and support.

  • Motivational scoring system

  • Easy to monitor

  • Online Methodmaths Tutors available on request

Improves Accuracy

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Most Maths websites are just question and answer engines. This is fine if you only want to assess learning but our platform is dedicated to improving learning. Methodmaths offers just the right level of scaffolding to guide and encourage users through even the most complex algorithms. A fully integrated solution which doesn’t require videos to plug the gaps.

Problem Solving Hints


Methodmaths builds confidence by posing key questions and prompts to encourage good mathematical thinking.

Our unique approach will award credit to users as they progress ultimately reinforcing the mantra of ‘showing your working’.

Simple yet Highly Motivational


Our motivational scoring system…..

Visible summative grades are dynamic and increase with progress, quickly revealing how grade boundaries work and what is required to reach the next key threshold.

Questions can be attempted multiple times until a correct response is achieved. This encourages self explanation and remediation in a non judgemental working environment.

Exam Questions by Topic

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Methodmaths contains 1000s of high quality interactive exam questions which have also been organised into topics. Perfect for consolidating key skills whilst still maintaining a good level of variation within the question sets.

Extra Topic Booklets

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We have also linked hundreds of downloadable topic booklets with model answers to every question in the system. These have been carefully selected to progress in difficulty and cover a range of unfamiliar contexts.

Perfect if you want to do some work on paper.

Concept Animations


Sometimes a nudge in the right direction is all that it takes. Our integrated concept animations provide quick access to important facts, processes and concepts. They are carefully designed to support the key features of the questions and sometimes offers multiple approaches.

Easy to Monitor


Quickly see how much work your child has completed on their summary dashboard and what grades they are achieving.

The Green Solution to Past Paper Practice

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Methodmaths now contains the most comprehensive set of Test materials and is continuously growing with each new test series.

60 Pearson 9 - 1 Exam Papers

36 Pearson 9 - 1 Mock Papers

18 Official Key Stage 2 (Year 6) Exam Papers

12 Official Key Stage 1 (Year 2) Exam Papers

It would cost over £200 to print this content for one user !

Parent, Teacher or Tutor, it’s easy to sign-up

“ My son loves Methodmaths! Being able to see his work being instantly marked and know that all of the questions are from real exams is really filling him with confidence. And nothing to print or mark is a real bonus.’

  Happy Parent,